Greene Planet was founded by a single mother with two daughters who are now in their 20’s. Maria learned early on the importance of having a healthy immune system to combat illness and environmental exposure. She also learned the correlation between clean food + a clean environment = a healthy immune system. Greene Planet gives parents the truth about organics.
Maria's youngest daughter was diagnosed with a congenital disorder at the age of two. Her condition craniosynostosis required corrective surgery until she was 19 years old. The late 90's was a time where information about organic food or harmful effects of environmental exposure didn't exist on a wide spread level. Maria's daughter had a weakened immune system as a result of the surgeries and the repeated use of antibiotics & steroids to fight off infections.
Her daughter also developed ADHD according to teachers and doctors. The diagnosis included a series of questions on behaviors at school, social interaction and energy levels. To this day doctors haven't figured out what causes ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) but are quick to prescribe medicine to subdue the symptoms. According to the medical field ADHD might be hereditary, a result of head trauma or a result of substance abuse during pregnancy. It's unknown the only treatment available is symptom based.
A parent knows when medicine is not helping but deteriorating your child's health and quality of life. After extensive research Maria learned the core of fighting off any illness or disease was having a healthy immune system. Not one doctor during her daughters life prescribed an improved diet, exercise or natural remedies. Maria found alternative and holistic ways to improve her daughter’s immune system. She stripped the families diet of all processed food including any food that contained dyes, artificial sweeteners, high sugar levels and would only buy food that was made from a grown fruit or vegetable source. Unfortunately during her daughters early years there weren't any meat products that were free of antibiotics or grass fed. As a result of the changes to her daughters diet her immune system was boosted and she was able to fight off the common cold with no prescribed medicine. Her daughter eventually was able to play competitive soccer in her teen years.
We have evolved over the decades and the importance of organics is widespread, the harmful use of pesticides is known, the medical field has incorporated a holistic healing approach that includes a healthy diet and exercise. But we still fall short in many areas; like making organic food affordable and accessible to all and holding companies accountable for misleading labels. The onus still lies with each one of us to protect our families from harmful foods, chemicals and unhealthy environments.
Greene Planet mission is to bring awareness on the importance of having a healthy body and living in a clean environment. We need to get back to a time where food was clean and our environment was thriving. Greene Planet is here to help you find answers.
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